Ziraat Participation’s Financial Standing, Profitability and Solvency
Ziraat Participation starting operations in 2015, with the principle of “Achieving More by Sharing”, in parallel with the strategy of increasing the share of participation banking from the sector, total assets tripled YoY to TL 8 billion compared to the previous year.
Ziraat Participation has a balance sheet structure mainly composed of loans. Cash loans have a 70% share in the Bank’s balance sheet. When compared to previous year, cash loans increased by TL 4 billion while non-cash loans increased by TL 3 billion. Ziraat Participation has a qualified loan portfolio. The Bank’s non-performing loan ratio stands at just 0.2%.
Ziraat Participation rounded off 2016 with current and participation accounts of TL 6 billion, marking an increase of 349%, in line with its aim of obtaining low cost resources spread to the base. Current and participation accounts had a 71% share in the balance sheet at the end of 2016 while other resources had an 18% share.
Despite its ongoing establishment costs, the Bank completed 2016 with a profit of TL 30.7 million by working within the principles of steady growth, sustainable profitability and efficiency. By doing so, Ziraat Participation increased its net profit share income from TL 69 million in 2015 to TL 210 million in 2016.
The lion’s share of the profit is composed of profit shares received from funds extended. Profit given to funds collected and other operating expenses were the biggest cost items.