Whether it's a short distance or long, let traffic be the only risk you consider on the road. We are by your side with Extended Comprehensive Insurance for other risks you may encounter.
What is Comprehensive Insurance?
One of the most common types of insurance in Türkiye, compulsory motor vehicle insurance (traffic insurance) is a liability insurance. Comprehensive Insurance is a risk policy that covers potential damages to your vehicle by you or third parties and offer additional services under the terms of the policy.
Differences Between Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance and Traffic Insurance
The most notable difference between Comprehensive Insurance and Traffic Insurance is that while traffic insurance covers the material damages to the other party, Comprehensive Insurance covers the damages to your own vehicle.
What Does Comprehensive Insurance Cover?
- Crash, collision, rollover, falling, rolling
- Fire
- Theft, theft as a result of theft of the master key
- Key loss
- Strike, lockout, riot, civil commotion, malicious acts and terrorism
- Earthquake, flood, hail, storm
- Harm from smoking and similar substances
- No-claims protection
- Optional financial liability
- Legal protection
- Mini repair, roadside assistance, and replacement vehicle service
Insure your vehicle with extensive coverage and Ziraat Katılım assurance.
Our Comprehensive Insurance product is designed in line with the principles of Participation Insurance.