You are under the assurance of Ziraat Katılım in traffic with the legally compulsory Traffic Insurance!
It is a compulsory insurance product subject to Highways Traffic Law No. 2918.
It is valid within the borders of Türkiye.
What Does Compulsory Insurance Cover?
Traffic insurance is a type of compulsory insurance that covers the material and bodily harm caused by the at-fault party to the other party in a possible accident.
Traffic insurance coverages; are limited to certain limits to cover material damages and medical expenses of the other party. Damage to the other vehicle or non-pecuniary damage to the other party can result in high compensation payments. Traffic insurance is the best option in such cases.
- Costs of damages caused to the other party as a result of a traffic accident
- Unintentional damage to public property such as electricity poles and lamps
- Damages to houses, shops, and similar property belonging to third parties
- Burial expenses of those who died during the accident and the expenses of their dependents, if any
- Expenses arising from the reduction or cessation of economic income of individuals who become partially or permanently unable to work due to injuries in a traffic accident and the persons they care for are deprived of support
- Defense costs for attorney's fees if you are not to blame for the accident and the other party sues you claiming that you are at fault
In the event of a traffic accident, bodily harm can occur in addition to material damage. Any bodily harm to persons is covered under the coverage of traffic insurance. Expenses such as first aid services, examinations, treatments, medication, etc. for the injured are also covered by the traffic insurance.