Poultry Life Insurance

Kümes Hayvanları

With regard to the poultries grown in closed systems with bio-safety and hygiene measures as well as open and half open systems registered to the system determined by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, losses due to death, killing and obligatory slaughter arising from below risks are covered within the scope of General Conditions and Tariffs & Instructions.

The Comprehensive Tariff may cover;

  • All kinds of poultry diseases except for notifiable infectious diseases according to the Law No. 5996 on Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed (Poultry raised in open and semi-open systems can only be insured under the Limited Coverage Tariff, and all diseases are excluded in the Limited Coverage Tariff),
  • All kinds of accidents and poisoning,
  • Malfunctions in generators, fans and similar equipment,
  • All kinds of natural disasters,
  • Fire or explosion caused death, culling and forced slaughtering  are covered by the insurance within the framework of the General Terms and Conditions and Tariff and Instructions.


In addition, optionally and provided that an additional premium is received based on evaluation or risk review result, the insurance may cover:

  • Material damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of deaths and forced slaughtering  due to pullorum and poultry typhoid (chicken typhoid) diseases in enterprises with negative salmonella test results,
  • Material damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of deaths, forced slaughtering as a result of terrorist acts specified in the Anti-Terror Law No: 3713 and sabotage arising from these acts, and interventions made by authorized bodies in order to prevent them and mitigate their effects,
  • Material damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of deaths, forced slaughtering as a result of incidents occurring during strikes, lockouts, riots or public movements and interventions made by authorized bodies to prevent these incidents and mitigate their effects
  • Limited Coverage Tariff provides coverage for poultry against damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of death, culling and forced slaughtering caused by:
  • All kinds of accidents and poisoning,                                       
  • Tornadoes, storms, earthquakes, landslides, flood sand inundations, 
  • Fire or explosion,
  • Failures in generators, fans and similar equipment.


Also, optionally, provided that additional premiums are charged based on the results of an assessment or risk review, the insurance may cover:

  • Material damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of deaths, forced slaughtering  as a result of terrorist acts specified in the Anti-Terror Law No: 3713 and sabotage arising from these acts, and interventions made by authorized bodies in order to prevent them and reduce their effects,
  • Material damages directly incurred by the insured as a result of deaths, forced slaughtering  as a result of events occurring during strikes, lockouts, riots or public movements and interventions made by authorized bodies to prevent these incidents and mitigate their effects.