What is Instant Market?
Instant Market is a module where our customers can make instant trades for foreign exchange, cross rates (arbitrage) and precious metals (gold/silver); or enter orders for the price/rate of their preference.
Why should I use the Instant Market Module?
With the Instant Market Module, you can trade instantly with favorable exchange rates, as well as enter orders for any price/rate you desire, either to buy or sell. If you wish, you can set an alarm and you can be notified by SMS or e-mail when the price/rate you entered is actualized.
How can I apply for the Instant Market Module?
Retail Customer: You may apply for the Instant Market Module rapidly via mobile banking or online banking, or you may apply to our branches to get it defined.
Corporate Customer: You may apply to our branches for the Instant Market Module and get it defined.
Information about the Instant Market Module:
- Both buying and selling transactions can be made with the Instant Market Module.
- Buy or sell orders can be entered for the desired price/rate.
- Buy or sell alarms can be set for the desired price/ rate.
- The service is available only on working days between 09:00 - 17:00.
- The entered orders are valid until 17:00 on the same day; orders not executed until 17:00 are automatically canceled. (Orders entered on half-day working days will be valid until 13:00).