Many advantageous services that will facilitate your life from this day forth while you make savings, are waiting for you at Elit Plus Club.
It will be enough that your total monthly contribution amount is minimum TL 1.000 or your total savings is TL 100.000 and above so that you could benefit from the advantageous world of Elit Plus Club.
It is essential that there are no outstanding contribution amounts for the last 12 months in the contracts based on contribution.
What are the services of Elit Plus Club?
With Dental Health Service, dentist treatment, periapical (single tooth) tooth x-ray and scaling (upper and lower) services are offered free of charge once a year in contracted hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, or dentists throughout the contract term.
Thanks to Eye Health Service, free eye examination once a year and discount advantage up to 40% are offered in all inspections, treatment and operations regarding eye health other than examination.
With low-cost Avocation Centers, discount advantage up to 305 is offered in contracted avocation organizations.
- Training: Foreign Language Courses, Pastry Course, Cookie Course, Chocolate Course, Photograph Course, Computer Course
- Art: Handicrafts, Marbling Course, Drawing Course, Dance Course, Music Course, Ceramic Course
- Sports: Fitness, Archery, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Tennis, Horse-Riding
- Social Activity: Journey & Travel, Cinema, Opera, ATV Tour, Paintball, Theatre
With Healthy Diet service, first meeting session is free at nutrition and diet centers and discount advantage up to 30% is offered in other sessions. Furthermore, club members may also get consultancy services about maintenance of ideal weight, healthy weight loss, and weight gain.
With psychological support service, first meeting session is free with contracted psychologists and discount advantage up to 30% is offered in other sessions.
With Medical 2nd Opinion Support, each club members are offered with the opportunity to receive medical opinion from a secondary attending physician about the best examination and treatment methods from the health organizations in America and Europe regarding the medical disorders first diagnosis of which have been established free of charge once a year.
With Health Check Up Service, discount advantage up to 20% is offered in Mini-Ultra-Child Check Up Services for each club member and their relatives.
With Medical Assistance Service, each club members are offered with the following services:
- Medical Information and Consultation
- Land Ambulance & Home Doctor Delivery
- Delivery of forgotten medicines
- Forwarding urgent messages
- Home Delivery of Medical Team and Equipment
- Health network discount
With fuel oil discount, discount privilege is offered in diesel and fuel at contracted petrol stations.
With Ironing Service, free iron service is offered for a piece of cloth once a year.
With dry-cleaning Service, free dry-cleaning opportunity is offered for a piece of product once a year.
With Reservation and Support Services, club members are provided with the following services.
- 24/7 Touristic Information Line
- 24/7 Health Organizations Information Line
- Exchange Rates Information Line
- Translation Organization
- Cultural Events Information Line
- Restaurant and Cafe Information Line
- Flower and Fruit Basket Deliveries
- Hotel Reservation and Package Tours
- Rent a Car Services
- VIP Transfer / Motorized Valet Services
- dry-cleaning
- Home-Based Child and Elderly Care
- Vehicle Maintenance Discount
- Advantages with Optic and Optical Product Purchase
- Child Development Programs
- Healthy Life Programs
- Events for Children / Weekend Events
With House Assistance Service, club members are offered with the following services:
- House Information Line
- Internal Water Installation
- Internal Electrical Installation
- Glass Works
- Locksmith
- House Protection and Surveillance
- Professional Home Support Services
- Unprojected Return Organization in Residence:
*In case of death of First Degree Relative
*In case of any damage to the permanent residence - Medical Transfer (Land Ambulance) / Home Doctor Delivery
- Hotel accommodation due to damage to residence
With Life Support Service, club members are provided with the following services.
- Death Support:
Burial Procedures and Funeral Transfer
Return of Family Members
Psychological Support
Death Consultation Service - Permanent Disability Support:
Home Care Services
Psychological Support
Physical Treatment
Medical Transfer
Permanent Disability Consultation Service: - Inpatient Treatment Support Cover:
Medical Transfer
Home Care Services
Communication Channels