In line with its targets of sustainable development and growth, Ziraat Participation continued to provide effective services to its customers, with 1,129 employees and 93 branches, in 43 provinces as of the end of 2019.
Using modern human resources applications, the Bank recruited 169 employees in 2019 and continued to support employment.
Having adopted the principle of offering equal opportunities to its employees, Ziraat Participation has prioritized raising the managers of the future from its in-house human resources. Accordingly, Manager Candidate Program was launched. In 2019, 58% of those who completed the Manager Candidate Program successfully were promoted to managerial positions.
With the awareness of human resources having the largest share in achieving sustainable growth and effective performance, Ziraat Participation holds advancement exams every year to provide employees a fair advancement opportunity in their careers. In this context, the Bank continued its collaboration with Sabahattin Zaim University and held a professional-title promotion examination. Employees that were successful in the exam were promoted to a higher position.
Ziraat Participation cares about its employees’ opinions in human resource practices and methods and obtains their feedback. Accordingly, the Bank conducted Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey in 2019 as in prior years which it uses to assess and make improvements as needed.
In addition to expanding and developing interest free finance system in our country with its branching activities, Ziraat Participation aims to open branches and represent our country in other countries as well. In this context, 13 new branches were opened in 2019. Sudan branch opening activities are being carried out and it is planned to be opened in 2020.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 and Emergency Situations in the Workplaces, the Emergency Case drills were carried out with the support of the Occupational Health and Safety professionals and with the participation of the staff from the Head Office.
Ziraat Participation manages the professional development of its employees in a planned manner.
In order to achieve this and advance their academic careers as well as their personal development, the Bank has cooperated with distinguished universities. In training management processes, technology use rate is increased and a system was set up where employees can track their individual training history and request trainings based on their needs.
In-house and external trainings for Ziraat Participation employees’ development continued in 2019. Trainings were provided for 2,578 participants in 33 different training programs, 8,399 days/employee was delivered. Feedback training is held for effective use of the performance system with the participation of all managers.
Ziraat Participation defines using in-house trainers in their trainings as a strategic target and organized a Train the Trainer program for its employees in the in-house trainer pool.
Within the scope of creating a common corporate culture Sharing Talks event was initiated at Maltepe Service Building Conference Hall at the second half of the year and a total of 4 events were organized which brought together the employees and experts in various areas.
“Islamic financing and Malesia Participation Banking Practices” training program was held to develop participation banking in our Bank and our country.
Balance Sheet Reading Techniques, Sales and Effective Portfolio Management and Credit Assessment trainings are being organized for all Retail employees in line with systematic transformations of Individual Portfolio structure into Retail.