Our Mission, Our Vision and Our Strategies

Our Mission

Understanding the expectations and needs of its customers

Our mission is to become a participation bank that understands the expectations and needs of its customers in the best way possible and offering most reliable solutions and value propositions through the most appropriate channel, carries out its activities with world-class sustainable profitability and efficiency being aware of principles of participation banking and ethics, facilitates access to financial services focusing onto the customer satisfaction.

Our Vision

Constantly generating value

At Ziraat Participation, our vision is to become a global, reputable and leading participation bank that strengthens participation banking not only in Turkey, but in the region, constantly generates value, offers customers more the more as they share at every stage.


Our main strategy was defined as

  • Focused Growth,
  • Sustainable Profitability,
  • Competence Transformation, Participation Banking and Agricultural Banking.

In accordance with our focused growth action, while continuing to develop in segments of all sizes, we will focus on SMEs and above SME companies which are also considered a significant size for the country’s economy. We aim to achieve sustainable profitability in these segments by application developments and investments.

For the inclusiveness of investments and applications to be developed, we will complete competence transformation of our human resources for the necessity of associating these applications with competent human resources who can make choices in line with objectives.

Our strategies will support financial development of our country and will serve the entirety that will develop the Participation Banking market, which we are a part of.