Corporate Culture Principles

Employee Welfare and Rights

Equal Opportunity

Diversity and Inclusion

Training and Talent Management

Ziraat Participation family strengthened by the inclusion of 674 new employees

In 2023, a total of 674 individuals were recruited within the scope of the recruitment activities conducted at Ziraat Participation. During the year, Ziraat Participation conducted a pre-employment test, leading to the employment of 398 candidates through a written exam and interview process, thereby contributing to the employment of young and recent graduates in our country.

The total number of employees at Ziraat Participation had reached 2,430 by the end of the year.

Key indicators of human resources at Ziraat Participation in 2023. *, **

Number of Employees





Total number of employees



White-collar employees



Blue-collar employees



Employees Under Collective Labor Agreement



Grand total of employees


Total rate of female employees



Number of Employees by Age Group





Below 30



Between 30-50



Above 50




Number of Managers By Age

By Age Group




Below 30 years old

Between 30-50 years old



Above 50 years old



Total number of managers




By Level



First level



Middle level



Senior level



Rate of first level female managers


Rate of middle level female managers


Rate of senior level female managers


Total rate of female managers


Number of Employees in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Positions



Female employee ratio in STEM Positions


* All employees of Ziraat Participation are employed on a full-time basis.
** Detailed indicators are available in the Performance Indicators section of the Report.
***The total number of bank and external resource personnel.

Ziraat Participation is committed to adhering to the provisions of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which covers human rights, labor rights, children's rights, social justice, and international agreements recognized by the Republic of Türkiye and operates in accordance with these standards.

The Human Resources and Human Rights Policy serves as the framework for all kinds of interactions between Ziraat Participation and its employees.

The Human Resources and Human Rights Policy, which is structured on the basis of equal opportunities, stipulates that all employees and candidates at Ziraat Participation are treated fairly and without bias, based solely on their professional skills and competencies for the relevant tasks, regardless of any differences such as language, religion, race, sect, ethnicity, gender, personal choice, or physical disability.

The principle of diversity acknowledges the unique qualities and differences that exist among individuals. Recognizing, evaluating, and effectively managing these differences provides significant advantages in achieving success at the individual, team, and institutional level.

Furthermore, the Bank is dedicated to implementing all necessary measures to prevent any actions that may result in discrimination or be perceived as mistreatment.

Ziraat Participation is committed to providing a work environment in which employee rights are fully protected.

Bank employees can exercise their right to freedom of association by joining unions. As of 14 May 2023, there are 2,420 Ziraat Participation employees who are union members.

Öz Finans-İş Union has been established within the Bank.

In addition, Ziraat Participation refrains from engaging in any activities that could potentially involve forced labor.

The goal of Ziraat Participation is to set up and maintain a work environment that respects human rights, as well as to establish itself as a respected, robust, and pioneering brand within its sector, while also expanding its presence to contribute to the growth of the Turkish economy. In this context, Ziraat Participation emphasizes the importance of all employees voluntarily sharing and collectively adopting these goals as a common goal.

In order to enhance business processes, the Bank regularly conducts studies in various areas, ranging from the continuous development of measurement, evaluation, and reward systems in human resources to strengthening the career architecture, from recruitment to occupational and managerial training programs, from open communication channels with employees to robust employer brand studies.

Competence and experience focus in recruitment and promotion processes

Throughout the recruitment and promotion processes, Ziraat Participation implements the CV option regardless of gender. In this context, the primary focus in recruitment is to verify that the candidates possess the necessary skills and expertise that align with the requirements of the relevant position within the Bank, while also providing equal opportunity to all candidates. The tangible outcome of this objective approach is evident in the systematic increase in the proportion of female personnel at Ziraat Participation.

Ziraat Participation adopts an approach that encourages diversity and equality in its recruitment processes and also considers applications from the sector when hiring experienced candidates.

Every candidate deemed acceptable for available positions undergoes an interview in the presence of the management from the respective department. At the completion of the process, an offer is extended to the candidate who achieves the highest score for the specific open post.

The Ziraat brand, which has a history of 160 years, facilitates the process of reaching potential applicants and greatly enhances the likelihood of job offers being accepted.

Ziraat Participation executes projects aimed at continuous improvement of recruitment processes.

The Bank implements systematic enhancements to continuously improve its recruitment procedures and leverages various applications.

Ziraat Participation collaborates with an online assessment platform that develops technology-driven HR solutions for the end-to-end recruitment process. This process encompasses several stages, including the preparation of a CV, the completion of all required tests, a personality inventory, interviews, candidate notification, and communication via text messages and emails until the recruiting process is complete.

Training and development is one of the key headings of Ziraat Participation Human Resources and Human Rights Policy.

Ziraat Participation provides training in professional, technical, and personal development areas in order to enhance the knowledge and skills of its employees and optimize their workflows. Throughout 2023, the Bank continued its efforts in this regard by conducting numerous training programs.

Ziraat Participation, a member of the interest-free finance sector, maintained its employment initiative for graduates who successfully completed the Islamic Economics and Finance department of universities in 2023, in accordance with its mission of providing the sector with trained human resources.

626 individuals were recruited within this scope and were assigned to various units after completing orientation studies.

Manager Candidate Program (YÖNAP)

Having adopted the principle of offering equal opportunities to its employees, Ziraat Participation has prioritized raising the managers of the future from its in-house human resources. Accordingly, 50 employees who completed the Manager Candidate Program successfully were promoted to managerial positions in 2023 as well.

Collaboration with Sabahattin Zaim University and the Participation Banking School

Ziraat Participation knows that human resources is has the greatest stake in achieving sustainable growth and effective performance and accordingly, the Bank conducts promotion exams every year for its employees to move forward in their careers in a fair environment. In this context, the Bank continued its collaboration with İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University in 2023 and held an online professional-title promotion examination. Employees that were successful in the exam were promoted to a higher position.

Employees hired through the recruitment exam received face-to-face job preparation training from the Participation Banking School within Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

During the reporting period, the Participation Banking School was conducted in collaboration with Sabahattin Zaim University for 4 terms, during which a total of 526 individuals received training.

Highlights from various other studies on training and development

  • Considering the circumstances of today when international communication is inevitable and its importance increases every day, support for training was provided for employees to learn English and Arabic languages with the objective of increasing the quality of foreign language of its human resources.
  • The Bank provides its employees with training programs on professional/technical, and personal development in order to develop their knowledge and skills and enhance their workflows. Throughout the year, employees receive various training programs, both in-class and through remote access and e-learning, to promote awareness on social responsibility and sustainability. These programs cover topics such as Sustainability, Occupational Health and Safety, Basic First Aid, Information Security, Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism, and Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).
  • As per annual practice, the Ziraat Participation Academy training programs have been thoroughly reviewed, and a catalog update has been made in 2023.
  • Ziraat Participation, which works in collaboration with sectoral associations and organizations such as TBB, TKBB, SPL, and ICC, has continued to provide necessary training programs to its employees.
  • The Corporate Culture Development Project was implemented and training was provided to management groups.
  • “Within the context of “Ziraat Participation is Reading Books Project” a total of 3,435 books were sent to 1,010 project members.

Ziraat Participation systematically tracks and supervises its employees' professional development. In this context, in-class, online, and video training sessions were developed, with each participant receiving an average of 37.2 persons/hours of training in 2023.

Key HR Training Indicators of Ziraat Participation in 2023

Training Hours by Gender




Total training hours by gender



Annual average training hours per employee by gender



The calculations exclude employees who have resigned from their positions.

Training Programs for Managers



First Level

Medium Level

Senior Level

Total training hours by managerial level




Sustainability and Environmental Training Programs





Sustainability and environmental training programs (hours)



1) Detailed indicators are included in the Performance Indicators section of the Report.

Announcement of career opportunities

Ziraat Participation announces career opportunities through various channels, including corporate website, social media accounts, and the Bank portal, as well as through the highly visited and effective career portals.

An approach of accurate and fair compensation and its management

Ziraat Participation refers its employees as the architects of sustainable participation banking. With its accurate and fair compensation policy, the Bank

Ziraat Participation's remuneration policy is designed to carefully consider the scope, structure, long-term goals, and strategies of the Bank's activities, while also ensuring compliance with risk management principles. This policy applies to all employees of the Bank, including senior managers.

The remuneration policy is established by the Board of Directors in consideration of the Bank’s short- and long-term goals and strategies, sectoral practices, and Ziraat Participation’s risk structure, while the processes and principles to be implemented regarding the payment of the rights are determined by the General Directorate. The Bank adjusts wage levels in the presence of several parameters. Along with remuneration data in the sector, the Bank also considers its internal balances and strives to develop a strong employer reputation.

The strong position that Ziraat Participation has attained in the sector is a direct result of the well-designed and uncompromisingly executed remuneration policy.

The impact and role of the remuneration policy managed and implemented within the scope of an effective strategy are significant in the success of Ziraat Participation, which has risen to the second largest institution among participation banks in a short period of 9 years.

The remuneration structure has been set up based on the title, job position groups, and seniority periods specified in the Bank's Human Resources Guidelines. Furthermore, additional remuneration assessments are also made based on the location of employment.

The gender, age, religion, language, race, etc. of the personnel do not play a role when determining remuneration.

Remuneration structure includes the salary which is based on job position and employees’ seniority as well as job place and transportation benefits, performance premium and insurance premium, which are variable, and other fringe benefits.

The wage for each job title is a fixed amount that is assigned to employees of that title. It remains consistent regardless of the unit/segment or position. The specific duties or location of the job position determine the wage for the job position, which is paid in addition to the wage for the title. When assessing job performance, various factors are considered, such as the level of risk involved, the level of authority held, differences between units or segments, the fairness of remuneration, and compliance with the principle of equal pay for equal work.

When determining remuneration, the knowledge and experience required to perform the job by the employees are considered.

Furthermore, there are individual pension system with company contribution, life insurance, foreign language compensation, nursery fee, maternity benefit, family support benefits (family success, special education support, etc.).

In 2023, dietician services were provided in 2 sessions in 3-month periods, and TZH Foundation Private Health Insurance and Personal Life Insurance were provided for the employees.

The Bank also provides its employees with mobile phones and postpaid lines.

When determining the fringe benefits provided, various factors are considered, such as the corporate culture, economic data, employee demands, and sector practices. The determination of fringe benefits is based on the Board of Directors' consideration of the Bank's goals and strategies, sectoral practices, and the risk structure of Ziraat Participation. The General Directorate establishes the process and principles for the payment and implementation of these rights.

Among the fringe benefits that Ziraat Participation practiced the most in 2023 were providing hourly compassionate leave to meet short-term personal needs. This benefit allows employees to take care of personal matters and return to work the same day after completing their personal tasks, without deduction from their annual leaves.

Through one-on-one and email correspondence options, Ziraat Participation compiles its employees' requests regarding the enhancement of fringe benefits. The relevant requests are submitted to the management for assessment after subjecting them to various criteria, such as cost and compatibility with the corporate culture, and the necessary actions are taken.

Ziraat Participation places great importance on protecting the personal data and information of its employees, and therefore, employs advanced data security procedures.

Ziraat Participation employs the Humanitas software for the personnel affairs management.

Performance Management System of Ziraat Participation is built on numerical aspects.

Ziraat Participation employs a system in talent and performance management that is fair, transparent, effective, and measurable. The artificial intelligence-based models are used to estimate the targets of all branches and portfolios by operating numerical performance report cards and competency evaluation system.

In 2023, 98.25% of the Bank's employees were evaluated through the performance management system.

In the system, performance is assessed at both unit level (Corporate Performance) and individual level (Individual Performance) through report cards that include numerical performance criteria related to the Bank's key strategy and goals. 

Performance bonuses, which are not considered vested rights, are paid separately from wages and compensations determined according to wage determination principles in compliance with Ziraat Participation policies. Assessments in this context are conducted based on quarterly periodic data, and the bonus budget is assessed and determined by the Senior Management throughout each payment period, considering the Bank's target/strategy, profitability, and risk status.

In 2023, the performance management system was effectively used to ensure continuity of job position promotions. Ziraat Participation's objective is to assess the performance of all employees from a 360-degree perspective within the context of performance management and studies in this area are currently ongoing.

Ensuring the continuous improvement in employee satisfaction

Ziraat Participation considers employee satisfaction as a factor that directly influences, nourishes and shapes the Bank's overall performance and customer satisfaction. Ensuring employee satisfaction results in motivation, and a motivated personnel structure directly contributes to the satisfaction of external customers.

The relocation of the Headquarters units to Ziraat Towers in the first quarter of 2024 has been a significant development in terms of employee satisfaction. In addition to the pleasant working environment provided by a modern and smart building that has been globally certified, social facilities such as rest areas, cafeterias, and sports areas, where employees can spend their breaks, have already begun to contribute to employee satisfaction.

Ziraat Participation listens to the voices of its employees.

The Bank gathers and assesses the feedback of its employees through the Sharing Platform System. Employees have the opportunity to communicate their suggestions and demands using this Platform.

Employee Satisfaction and Internal Customer Satisfaction surveys are other channels through which the Bank's employees can communicate their requests, demands and complaints. The effectiveness of the employee satisfaction programs implemented at Ziraat Participation is assessed by presenting nine different criteria (work done, senior management, work environment, reputation, wages and fringe benefits, development and career opportunities, teamwork, performance management, immediate manager) for users to vote on, thereby measuring employee satisfaction.

Practices to improve employee satisfaction

Ziraat Participation employs a wage policy aimed at eliminating the impacts of the global inflation wave, which has recently been witnessed in our country's economy as well, on the welfare level of employees. Based on the findings of the employee satisfaction survey conducted in 2023, enhancements were made to wages and additional payments to improve employee satisfaction.

On 1 January 2023, Ziraat Participation implemented a general wage increase of 55%, followed by an additional 20% on 1 July 2023. The budget rate for fringe benefits payments also experienced an increase. Additionally, the Bank incorporated the payments for insurance premiums and nursery fees. The Bank initiated the Meal Card implementation in 2023 and transformed the demands and complaints of employees in this regard into satisfaction. The reporting period also witnessed a rise in the budget rate for wage increases in fringe benefits and additional benefits.

In 2023, the ratio of the annual total wage of the highest-paid employee at Ziraat Participation to the median annual total wage for all employees was 8.45.

Responsibility for ethical and decent conduct

Ziraat Participation arranges its ethical rules and working principles according to various procedures and announces them to its employees. All employees are expected to adopt and adhere to these principles.

The Inspection Board oversees the Ziraat Participation Ethics Line. The Ethics Line can be accessed through the Bank's intranet. The Ethics Reporting Line is a mechanism through which employees may report misconduct, potential ethical violations, or breaches of the law in the Bank's operations. The Inspection Board assesses complaints and notifications submitted via the Ethics Line and implements the requisite measures.

These processes are critical in order to support and bolster Ziraat Participation's transparent, responsible, and ethical business structure.

In 2023, the Bank received 10 notifications through the Ethics Line; all incoming notifications were assessed and resolved.

Ethics training

During the reporting period, the Human Resources and Training Department provided both online and on-site training programs, and efforts were made to enhance the ethical awareness of all employees through various activities.

The Human Resources and Training Department ensures that new hires at the Bank receive training on ethics, provides direct information to the personnel during audits, and communicates critical aspects to be considered.

Within the scope of the training program, information is provided about the accessibility of the Ethics Line for reporting incidents of harassment, mobbing, or aggressive behavior towards bank employees.

Training programs prepared by the Ziraat Participation Academy platform to raise awareness about violence against women, such as "Being a Woman in Business Life", "Footsteps of a Woman Leader", "Gender and Leadership Style", are open to employees' attendance.

Ziraat Participation provides 4 hours of ethics training sessions to every new hire.

The employees at Ziraat Participation became more aware and informed about ethical rules and rights thanks to the ethics training program.

In-house sustainability training programs and information sessions

With the vision of becoming a universal, respected, and leading participation bank that contributes to the economy, environment, and society, Ziraat Participation conducts in-house training programs and information sessions on sustainability to provide more to its customers by sharing at every stage.

The Bank addresses other topics that it evaluates with its ethical banking and sustainability understanding that align with the principles of participation banking in its corporate sustainability training programs and contributes to raise awareness.

In addition to following the developments in the sustainability universe through the training activities, it is aimed to ensure the capacity development of Ziraat Participation personnel and to assess risks and opportunities more effectively.

During the reporting period, Ziraat Participation continued to update and develop the sustainability training module on the online training portal. Distinct SDG themes were addressed in the quarters, and the Green Agenda e-bulletin focusing on climate change and sustainable finance was released. Face-to-face training sessions were conducted regarding the management of environmental and social impacts, and training documents were prepared. Furthermore, special online training sessions were conducted for the Headquarters service managers.

Sustainability training was completed by 1,945 individuals at Ziraat Participation in 2023.

Occupational health and safety at Ziraat Participation

Ziraat Participation is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, adhering to both international and local standards. As per the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Law, OHS Boards are set up in bank service buildings with over 50 employees to represent the employees. In 2023, the Ziraat Participation OHS Committee held two meetings, one on 27 January 2023, and another on 26 May 2023.

The workplace physician provides health services to employees at the Ziraat Participation Headquarters on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Bank conducts training sessions to enhance employees' awareness of occupational health and safety. In 2023, 389 employees were provided with 2 person*hours (778 hours in total) of face-to-face OHS training.