Ziraat Participation is committed to sharing while generating a lasting and positive impact in the society in which it operates, based on its mission, vision, and principles of participation banking.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Financial Inclusion

Ziraat Participation Fidelity Group, having completed its 3rd year, instills optimism in everyone through the steps it has taken and achieved as a voluntary social initiative, and demonstrates that a livable world is possible.

The spirit of "sharing", one of the fundamental and essential aspects of our country's national values, served as the foundation for the establishment of Fidelity Group.

Fidelity Group operates as a family under the roof of Ziraat Participation, which embraces the philosophy of "Achieving More by Sharing". Fidelity Group promotes volunteerism among employees and actively engages in collaborative efforts to address local or nationwide disasters, as well as personal challenges that individuals may face.

The Group continues to pursue its mission of fostering hearts that are won through the sharing of its support for people, animals, and the environment, and conducts projects that are deemed appropriate by those in need, volunteers, and Fidelity Group Committee members.

The Fidelity Group would like to thank everyone who participated and contributed to its journey!

The activities of the Group can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/zkvefa.


Collaboration for the 4th International Model OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) High Schools Summit

The objective of the Summit was to enhance students' awareness of and compassion towards global issues, provide them with opportunities to propose solutions aligned with their respective countries' policies, and foster their familiarity with diplomacy. Additionally, the Summit facilitated the development of foreign language proficiency, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The latest Summit conducted within this framework involved the active participation of 224 students representing 39 different countries.

Collaboration for the Çorum Book Fair

Within the scope of the protocol made with Çorum Municipality, Ziraat Participation provided books to 1,000 financially disadvantaged students at the Çorum Book and Culture Days event, which took place from 24 November to 3 December 2023.

Collaboration with Children's Games and Sports Clubs Federation

The Game Caravan Project was developed in collaboration with the Children's Games and Sports Clubs Federation to assist children affected by the earthquakes that occurred in Kahramanmaraş on 6 February 2023. The project aimed to provide toys to children and utilize various games as a means to help alleviate the effects of the disaster.

Istanbul Arts and Sports Club

The Club, which is officially registered in the disciplines of karate, basketball, volleyball, and taekwondo branches, participates in international competitions in karate and basketball branches. 117 active licensed athletes of the Club have won various awards in both Turkish and World championships. National athletes supported by Ziraat Participation have competed in international tournaments held in Italy, Mexico, and Croatia.

Collaboration with Kahramanmaraş Science High School

A counseling hall was constructed in Kahramanmaraş Science High School to keep alive the memory of Ziraat Participation employee Adem Şahan, who lost his life in the devastating Kahramanmaraş earthquakes.

ÖNDER Finance Youth Project

The project, which was held in collaboration with Ziraat Participation, aimed to increase high school and university students' awareness of Islamic economics and stimulate their interest in this field. Conferences, workshops, and events were planned for high school students, while training programs, summits, and social events were organized for university students.

Mutlu Yuva Association

The Association operates 137 "Children's Houses" in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Yozgat, Diyarbakır, and Şanlıurfa, where it provides a family environment to hundreds of orphans and children in need of protection and facilitates their spiritual and material growth through education. Ziraat Participation supported children’s houses in Istanbul.

Turkish Red Crescent

Immediately after the earthquake disaster in Kahramanmaraş on 6 February 2023, Ziraat Participation employees actively participated in relief efforts by working in the field in Kahramanmaraş between 1 March and 20 May, under the coordination of the Turkish Red Crescent in groups of 20. Volunteer teams that traveled to the region for a week worked alongside the Turkish Red Crescent teams, visiting villages daily and providing hot meals to our citizens, delivering aid packages, and, in doing so, generating hope and making a modest contribution towards healing the wounds.

Ziraat Participation has funded all of the projects it has undertaken from its corporate social responsibility budget.

Physical volunteering has been realized in the projects, and collaboration has been established with institutions as stakeholders.


Ziraat Participation is committed to cultivating its connections with suppliers through principles of mutual respect, accountability, and fair sharing. The Bank also promotes the development of sustainability practices within the supply chain.
Ziraat Participation collaborates with its suppliers in a quality partnership based on mutual respect.

The Bank's suppliers are integral parts of its growth strategy, adhering to a policy that promotes fairness, transparency, reliability, and sustainability, while also adding value to the overall supply chain. The Bank's strategy, goals, and action plans, as well as activity processes, are carefully considered in the supply process, and suppliers are encouraged to implement sustainability practices.

The primary objective of the Bank is to promote awareness of corporate responsibility across the whole supply chain by considering the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects of products and services in procurement activities, with the aim of ensuring ongoing collaboration.

In 2023, Ziraat Participation started managing its supplier connections through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. The Bank has successfully transitioned its entire supply process, including purchasing requests, invoice tracking, and reporting, from manual tracking to automation. This swift transition has significantly enhanced efficiency.

Supply Assessment Process

As part of its assessment process, Ziraat Participation carefully analyzes potential suppliers and the advantages they offer, taking into account the specific requirements, quantity, and characteristics of each purchase request. Additionally, the Bank conducts thorough pre-supply assessments to optimize the benefits and ensure adherence to the expenditure budget.

The first stage of the process involves determining whether the product or service needed can be procured from the existing supplier pool. If not, or in cases where it is decided to be procured from a new supplier, market research is conducted/outsourced by taking into consideration the opinions of the requester and/or the Demand Center. Suppliers that meet the specified criteria are chosen based on the nature of the needs and included in the supplier pool.

Ziraat Participation assesses suppliers based on the following criteria.

In the process of establishing the supplier pool, Ziraat Participation assesses the following attributes of the supplier and prepares the supplier report accordingly:

The Bank aims to ensure that no conflict of interest occurs with its suppliers with whom it has commercial relations. No instances of such a case have occurred during the reporting period.

Ziraat Participation works with large, medium, and small enterprises that vary in accordance with the purchasing needs and maintains a supplier portfolio with a combination of different structures.

Focus on working with local companies

Given that Ziraat Participation is a public capital bank, it prioritizes procurement from local companies.

The Bank also conducts procurements that are both strategically important and regulated.

Information regarding the services procured by Ziraat Participation in 2023 within the scope of BRSA’s “Regulation on Procurement of Support Services by Banks” and the institutions providing these services is available on page 65 of the 2023 Annual Report.

Ziraat Participation, which is committed to being the leading institution in participation banking, discloses its impact on the ecosystem through its memberships, contributions, and the platforms it participates in.


Representation on several platforms strengthens Ziraat Participation's respected position and corporate reputation in the financial world. Memberships and activities conducted within the scope of the represented platforms have a positive impact on the recognition and reputation of the Ziraat Participation brand, as well as contributing to the enhancement of professional skills and awareness.

Engaging in memberships and collaborations with stakeholders from many geographies and cultures facilitates communication and connections and contributes to enhancing the perception of our country's progress in the field of participation banking.

Participation Banks Association of Türkiye (TKBB)

Ziraat Participation, a member of the Participation Banks Association of Türkiye (TKBB), is represented on the Board of Directors of TKBB.

The Bank also engages in the sub-working groups on sustainability formed by TKBB.


Ziraat Participation is a member of the Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI)