Ziraat Participation provided products, services and diversity of channels which are in compliance with participation banking principles in order to meet the financial needs of its customers through the correct channel, at the right time and with the appropriate value proposition. The Bank continued to be the strong solution partner of its customers with an ever increasing quality of service in corporate and retail banking business lines.
Ziraat Participation maintained its strong financial and operational performance in 2021, generating a profit of TL 559 million.
Ziraat Participation is determined to continue to increase the support it provides in financing to the real sector and its contributions to economic growth in the future, in line with Turkey’s 2023 targets.

Ziraat Participation has stepped up its work to integrate alternative distribution channels into its banking products and service delivery process.
Providing the most appropriate solutions and value propositions for the needs and expectations of its individual and corporate customers through the most appropriate channels, Ziraat Participation continues to increase its product variety.
In 2021, Ziraat Participation took measures against potential setbacks the pandemic period might have on economic activities and continued to offer its support products for its corporate customers which are negatively impacted from the pandemic so they can sustain their economic activities and finance their financial needs in favorable terms.
Ziraat Participation plays and important role in protecting the value of Turkish Lira by offering Currency protected TL Participation Account and Gold Conversion TL Participation Account products to its customers who have their savings in Turkish Lira or Gold
Support for those who were negatively affected from the pandemic in collaboration with KGF
Protocols were signed between Credit Guarantee Fund (KGF) and Ziraat Participation within the scope of support packages to reduce the unfavorable impact of pandemic conditions on businesses and to support investments:

Ziraat Participation provides SMEs financing and guarantee support with favorable terms.
“Breath 2021 Support Financing”
Ziraat Participation signed the “Breath 2021 Support Financing” protocol with Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and KGF to provide financing and guarantee support with favorable terms for SMEs and to sustain its contribution to Turkish economy by increasing employment.
“Additional Employment Support Package”
For SMEs and non-SME businesses who commit to provide employment and to keep those who are employed within this scope by reducing the negative impact of the pandemic on cash flows, a protocol was signed between the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, KGF, Social Security Institution (SGK), Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) and Ziraat Participation with the purposes of meeting their financing needs at favorable terms and providing income support. In this context, “Additional Employment Support Package” was prepared within the framework of Treasury-backed Guarantee System with the guarantee of KGF.
“Production Based Import Substitution Package”
Another package during this period was the KGF guaranteed “Production Based Import Substitution Package”, provided for businesses which have investment incentive certificates that are given to increase industrial investments, with the purpose of financing investments which will reduce negative impacts of the pandemic on manufacturing industry and increase production and employment capacities.
“KGF Support Credit 2”
“KGF Support Credit 2” protocol was signed to support SMEs access to finance within the scope of the protocol between KGF and Ziraat Participation for KGF equity guarantee.
Support for natural disaster sufferers in collaboration with KOSGEB
Protocols between Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB) and Ziraat Participation was signed for reducing the impacts of negative conditions on companies at natural disaster regions and for encouraging investments for domestic production:
“Artvin, Düzce and Rize Provinces Emergency Support Finance”
The Bank participated in the “Artvin, Düzce and Rize Provinces Emergency Support Finance” program announced by KOSGEB to provide financial support with favorable terms for companies which were affected by the flood disaster in Düzce on 6 July 2021, in Rize and Artvin on 22 July 2021 that are in sectors supported by KOSGEB.

“2021 Forest Fires Emergency Support Financing Protocol” was signed between KOSGEB and Ziraat Participation to provide financial support with favorable terms for companies affected by the forest fires in 2021.
“2021 Forest Fires Emergency Support Financing Protocol”
“2021 Forest Fires Emergency Support Financing Protocol” was signed between KOSGEB and Ziraat Participation to provide financial support with favorable terms for companies affected by the forest fires in 2021.
Kentsel Dönüşüm Finansmanı” ürünleri vatandaşların kullanımına sunulmuştur.
“Western and Middle Black Sea Region Provinces and Towns of Van Province Affected by Flood Emergency Support Financing Protocol”
“Western and Middle Black Sea Region Provinces and Towns of Van Province Affected by Flood Emergency Support Financing Protocol” was signed between KOSGEB and Ziraat Participation to provide financial support with favorable terms for companies affected by the flood disasters in Western and Middle Black Sea Region between 9-11 August 2021 and in various towns of Van between 31 July-2 August 2021.
“Vegetable and Fruit Cold Chain Financial Leasing Support Program Protocol”
“Vegetable and Fruit Cold Chain Financial Leasing Support Program Protocol” was signed between KOSGEB and Ziraat Participation within the scope of KOSGEB Vegetable and Fruit Cold Chain Financial Leasing Support Program to provide support for a certain part of profit through financial lease of domestic products and new cooling units and/or refrigerating cases/units.
Support for gentrification in collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
A Profit Sharing Support protocol was signed between Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and Ziraat Participation within the scope of Law No: 6306 on Gentrification of Areas under the Risk of Disaster. Accordingly, Gentrification Finance products were prepared and offered to provide safer houses for eligible people based on their needs (construction, reinforcement, acquisition).
Support for Exporters
A new financing product “Deferred Export Financing” was offered for exporter customers collecting their payments using deferred letter of credit which allow them to collect their receivables in advance from Ziraat Participation without waiting for their due dates.
Thus, exporters were supported to increase their chances of competition in international markets, to expand their businesses in new and targeted markets by reducing commercial and political risks and to access financing after delivery.
Ziraat Participation will continue its activities to facilitate its customers’ access to financing and to have them use it under favorable terms.
Digital channel investments accelerated.
Ziraat Participation’s development activities in payment systems continued without interruption. Pandemic period not only accelerated the digital transformation in payment systems but also affected shopping habits of people, which companies were trying to change in years. In 2021, installment deferral services offered to corporate and retail customers were carried to digital channel. In order to comply with these changes, Ziraat Participation accelerated its investments and activities to provide its products and services from digital channels.
Ziraat Participation continued product and application developments of Bankkart, which is the first credit card product which the Bank offered in 2020. Application channels were increased for credit card customers and during the pandemic period, they were provided the opportunity to apply easily and rapidly without the need to visit the branch.
In 2021, card and member merchant volume of Ziraat Participation showed a significant acceleration.
- Number of debit cards of Ziraat Participation increased by 30% compared with prior year, debit card revenue increased by 72% to reach TL 1.9 billion.
- Share of Ziraat Participation debit cards in participation banks increased by 2% in terms of number of cards and revenues.
- Active usage of Ziraat Participation bank cards increased by 2 points compared to 2020 among all banks. With a usage rate of 41%, it kept its position in the first 5 banks.
- Member merchant network of Ziraat Participation continued to grow, number of POS and POS registers increased by 67% compared to prior year, POS revenue increased by 99%.
Ziraat Participation increased its payment systems market share in 2021 within the scope of its customer-focused strategy. The Bank will continue to carry on its activities to provide innovative products and services for its customers in the following period.
Individual Pension (BES) product for those under the age of 18 was integrated to Participation Insurance Platform and offered to customers.

Facilities provided by digitalization in insurance products
In 2021, sales of DASK (Catastrophe Insurance Pool), traffic and comprehensive car insurance products from internet and mobile branch started.
Within the scope of digitalization of Ziraat Participation’s individual pension product, contract process without obtaining a document at branches started.
Automatic guarantee renewal was provided for assets subject to guarantee after insurance renewal and operational work load of branches decreased.
Individual Pension (BES) product for those under the age of 18 was integrated to Participation Insurance Platform and offered to customers.
Ziraat Participation product range expanded with Eli Bol (Generous) Account.
Ziraat Participation’s new product Eli Bol (Generous) Account which was developed with the purpose of diversifying the Bank’s product range was launched on 10 December 2021 through the branch channels.
Ziraat Participation’s new product Eli Bol (Generous) Account is an account type where two products are offered at the same time. A portion of the customer’s investment at his/her personal checking account is invested in a profit/loss participation account and another portion through a transaction where the Bank sells lease certificates with a promise to re-purchase and the customer purchases these lease certificates from the Bank with a promise to sell.
Currency Protected and Gold Conversion TL Participation Accounts were offered to customers.
Starting with 23 December 2021, Ziraat Participation has been offering Currency Protected TL Participation Account at the branches to real individuals that are residents of Turkey and who want to invest their Turkish Lira savings while protecting their value against risks of potential currency increases. Moreover, customers who have gold funds can convert their gold into TL at the Central Bank’s rate and keep their investments at Gold Conversion TL Participation Accounts.
Ziraat Participation provides alternative distribution channels based on tendencies of its customer profile in a wide range of transactions and service diversity.
In 2021, the Bank continued to develop new products and services in alternative distribution channels, which provide considerable benefit in reaching wider customer masses in numerical terms.
- A safer trade of used cars was provided for individuals who need a more secure payment infrastructure. With this system, cash exchange between the seller and purchaser and transactions at the notary occur simultaneously to prevent risks such as fraud or carrying cash.
- SWIFT GPI (Global Payments Innovations) was offered at Ziraat Participation Internet branch and Mobile application which allows customers to monitor the status of foreign currency transfers, intermediary bank information, date and time of transactions easily and step by step.
- Accounting payment capability was provided through the Bank’s digital channels.
- Insurance transactions were opened to customers at the Bank’s digital channels which allow customers to obtain and track proposals and monitor their policies. In this context, mandatory earthquake insurance (DASK), mandatory traffic insurance and comprehensive car insurance transactions were first opened for use.
- Contracted merchants of the Bank can view their account statements under the contracted merchant menu at Ziraat Participation Internet Branch and Mobile channel.
- Customers were given the opportunity to perform their transactions more rapidly and easily through FAST transfers with QR code.
- With Digital Order Transactions feature, customers are able to send their orders through Participation Mobile without the need to visit the branches. In this context, Digital EFT Orders and Foreign Trade Transaction Orders were prioritized. Activities are carried on to include other transactions in this system in the following periods.
- Customers are given the opportunity to conduct their silver transactions through Ziraat Participation digital channels.
- Customers are given the opportunity to approve various documents via Ziraat Participation Internet Branch and Participation Mobile channels under the Bank’s Digital Document Approval infrastructure without the need to visit the branches.
- With the new application established at Ziraat Participation Internet Branch and Participation Mobile channels, customers can apply for Bankkart credit card and Bankkart limit increases without visiting the branches.
- Within the scope of Open Banking projects, number of contracted firms which customers can make payments to e-commerce sites from their accounts (Company) were increased.
- Additionally, within the scope of Open Banking, Payment Order Start and Account Information services project activities continue, which were started by the Central Bank of Turkey.
- Ortam ATM Project (TAM ATM) activities conducted by public banks continue. Within the scope of this project, installation of ATMs are realized and put into use of customers within the framework of the project plan.
- Studies are carried on to use biometric verification methods for remote customer applications, which are used more frequently in banking as a result of technological developments.
- Leasing pre-applications can be made from Ziraat Participation internet branch.
- Participation Mobile’s was renewed in terms of design and experience to offer the best digital customer experience and it was offered to customers.
- Infrastructural improvements were made to enable video conferencing between customers and customer representatives for transactions to be realized remotely instead of their performance in branches.
- Self-service transaction variety was increased which customers can complete transactions via interactive voice response system through 0850 220 5000 without being connected to a customer representative.
- Infrastructural works were completed for faster solution of requests and complaints from customers via artificial intelligence support which directs them automatically to the related business unit or presents a solution directly to the customer.
- Arabic translation support was provided by Customer Call Center representatives for Ziraat Participation branches in order to provide secure and high quality communication with Arabic speaking customers on weekdays between 09:00 and 18:00.
Central Banking Branch started to provide services in English and sign language in 2021.

Central Banking Branch in 2021
- Central Banking Branch started to provide services in English and sign language in 2021. At the branch services are provided in a total of 4 languages, including Turkish and Arabic. Other branches also started to receive Arabic language support in case they need, from the Central Banking Branch by calling 8094.
- Central Banking Branch started to open accounts via video conferencing starting from 1 May 2021.
- The branch realized 15,222 new customer acquisitions in 2021 and total number of customers reached 55,037. Among the newly acquired customers, 9,040 were acquired via video conferencing (60%).
- 98% of the 52,089 voice calls received at the Central Banking Branch were responded by the customer representatives. Service level was realized as 91%.
- 88% of the 22,300 video calls received at the branch were responded by the customer representatives. Calls which could not be answered were called back and guidance needed was provided.
- Central Banking Branch conducted sales and marketing activities under 9 main topics via SMS, mail and outside calls. During those activities, 51,216 calls were made, 327,292 SMS and 227, 108 mails were sent. As a result of those activities the active customer ratio increased by 29%. Total balance increased by 42%, ATM cards by 23% and number of mobile users increased by 8%.
- Ziraat Participation aims to successfully continue its technological investments in digital channels in 2022.
In line with the real sector and foreign trade financing strategy…
Ziraat Participation expanded its asset size by 63% in 2021, while pursuing a strategy to finance majorly the real sector and foreign trade.
Ziraat Participation pressed ahead with its resource diversification in asset liability management with the main resource being participation funds, and it established a liability base of the balance sheet taking into consideration optimum cost and term.
Ziraat Participation has effectively deployed interbank borrowing and financing products to fulfill the required reserve liability and to meet its liquidity needs in line with the principles of participation banking, and to assess the surplus and fulfillment of reserve requirements.
Correspondent Relations
Ziraat Participation has correspondent relationships with many banks and financial institutions
Since its inception, Ziraat Participation established SWIFT correspondent relations with many banks by completing regulatory compliance process and responded to the demands in foreign trade area rapidly. In 2021, the Bank reached 44 different correspondent account in 20 different currencies and signed wakala/murabaha agreements with various banks.
Ziraat Participation plays an active role in the capital markets as a part of its strategy to enrich the resource structure. The Bank obtained issuance approval with ceilings of TL 12 billion, TL 15 billion and TL 1 billion from the Capital Markets Board to issue three TL denominated lease certificates in the local market with its affiliates, Ziraat Participation Varlık Kiralama and ZKB Varlık Kiralama. Within this framework, issuances were made with a total of nearly TL 11.4 billion.
In 2021, Ziraat Participation continued to provide long term resources from the World Bank and various other development banks, for financing SMEs and foreign trade financing and to maintain its financing support for SMEs and the real sector.
Ziraat Participation aims to complete the following steps in 2022:
- Significantly increase the number of correspondent banks and the level of foreign trade volume,
- Use a murabaha syndicated loan with the participation of international banks,
- Continue issuing lease certificates in the domestic markets,
- Add depth to the capital markets by carrying out corporate lease certificate issuances in favor of third parties other than Ziraat Participation,
- Provide increasing support to the real sector by maintaining a supply of resources from international institutions for the financing of SMEs and foreign trade,
- Mediate new transactions within the scope of country loans.
Foreign Branch Banking
Ziraat Participation is shaping its Foreign Banking activities in accordance with its international banking strategy and vision.
In this context, the Bank conducts its Foreign Banking activities successfully with the following objectives:
- Providing fast, modern and high quality services to all customers in regions where it operates / will operate in addition to entrepreneurs and companies of our country
- Increasing its share from the foreign trade between Turkey and those countries, playing an important role in international trade financing
- Maintaining the sustainable profitability of foreign branches with healthy and productive balance sheet structure
- Creating an effective synergy coordinated with the mission and vision of Turkey’s foreign operations and within the framework of Ziraat Finance Group’s main approach.
Within the scope of Budgeting and Analytical Balance Sheet activities, web-based Management Reporting System was strengthened with the new reports formed in 2021.
Improvements were made in the Competition Report which analyzes the developments in the Participation Banking and Banking sectors in terms of provinces as of 3-month periods. Additionally, the Sector Report project was launched which allows systematic access and analysis of current and past financials of the banks in Participation Banking sector.
Our regulatory reporting project which was redesigned with the purpose of creating faster, flexible and accurate data was completed and this allowed us to create and analyze reports submitted to regulatory organizations over the system in a shorter time. In this manner, effectiveness and efficiency of our regulatory reporting process significantly increased.
Moreover, in 2021 balance sheet of the Bank was made available on a daily basis and balance sheet analyses started to be made on the system.
Foreign Trade Transactions:
Ziraat Participation completed and launched the following important projects within the scope of foreign trade operations in 2021:
- External guarantee processes were optimized, transaction flow process was simplified in line with business applications. All external guarantee SWIFT messages were integrated to the system.
- Advance export file closing process was improved, for unclosed files, integration with KKB was established.
- Digital Order Submission Project was completed for certain transaction types over Participation Mobile application.
- SWIFT messages of all transfer transactions realized and Transfer Notice Form ID’s, if any, were made available to be followed at the mobile branch.
- External guarantee transactions were started to be performed at the Bank’s Sudan branch.
- Full automation of the process related with correspondent fees paid and collected in international payments was realized.
- For İBKB (Export Proceeds Acceptance Document) transactions, automatic e-mail delivery of correspondence sent to correspondent banks was realized and integration with Ministry of Trade’s DYOP (Support Management System) was realized to increase the efficiency of the İBKB process.
- Integration with Ministry of Trade’s GÜVAS (Customs Database System) was realized to monitor open export accounts. A screen was designed within the system to follow up transactions which need to be reported to the Tax Authority and reporting forms started to be created automatically by the system.
- With the launch of SWIFT GPI application, foreign transfers’ status and correspondent fee deductions can be monitored transparently on the main banking system. This product was also opened to our customers at the internet and mobile branches.
- Integration of IBAN-Complete application to main banking system and internet/mobile branches was realized which optimized international payment processes and now allows transactions to be realized fully automated.
- Systemic developments were completed for the sales of export amounts to the Central Bank.
- Ziraat Participation aims to launch the following significant projects within foreign trade activities in 2022:
- Transfers received will be automatically paid into customer accounts upon specific rules and controls.
- To increase the efficiency of international payment transactions, all transactions will be completed in the main banking screen and the process will be made available to monitor. The process of realization of returned/rejected transactions will be automatized.
- Automation will be increased for more effective follow-up of nostro account reconciliation.
- New notifications will be added to foreign trade customer notification package (SMS/E-mail) to increase customer satisfaction.
- Developments will be made to complete all SWIFT correspondence on the main banking system and to reduce use of interface.
- Export letter of credit processes will be improved via systematic developments.
Within the scope of guarantee transaction activities, Ziraat Participation completed and launched important projects in 2021:
Guarantee Transactions:
Within the scope of guarantee transaction activities, Ziraat Participation completed and launched the following important projects in 2021:
- In case of closing of retail loans, automatic exit flow of real estate mortgage or pledge of vehicle guarantees will start.
- Electronic mortgage transactions with pilot branches were completed successfully and it was expanded to all branches.
- Ziraat Participation aims to launch the following important projects within the scope of guarantee transactions in 2022:
- Service integration will be provided with KGF for automatic data sharing.
- For guarantee entry and update transactions, policy documents will be viewed on the screen on policy basis.
- Automatic fee collection will be enabled in real estate mortgage e-release transactions.
- Fund Extension and Process Transactions:
- Ziraat Participation completed and launched the following important projects in 2021 within the scope of fund extension transactions:
- With the EKAP (Electronic Public Procurement Platform) Project, studies were completed for the preparation of temporary letters of guarantee and reference letters in electronic environment in tenders conducted with the electronic tender system by the Public Procurement Authority. With this development, both paper environment will be eliminated and risks will be minimized.
- Updates were realized in Route and Job Tracking flows used by the Headquarters and branches, thanks to developments in the Route and Job Tracking screen with the project conducted in five separate phases. “Route Team Management Screen” was launched which provided time savings for the users at the Headquarters and with “Route Manager Control Screen”, a healthy and controllable structure was provided for service managers at Headquarters to manage the flows in the pool.
Ziraat Participation will launch the following important projects in 2022 within the scope of fund extension transactions:
A more effective screen use is targeted in corporate cash fund extension by conducting end-to-end studies from preparing a payment plan, document entry, fund extension and invoice closing.
In order to reduce the work load of branches and departments and provide manpower savings, automatic closing of invoices are planned after the uploading of invoices in XML format by customers via mobile and internet banking.
Financial Leasing Operations:
Ziraat Participation completed and launched the following important projects in 2021 within the scope of financial leasing transactions:
With a protocol signed between KOSGEB, KGF and Ziraat Participation, when machinery-equipment, model and software are acquired using financial leasing by the users of KOSGEB support programs, the advance payment and profit share of the financial lease is supported within the scope of KOSGEB’s related support program.
Ziraat Participation will launch the following important project in 2022 within the scope of financial leasing operations activities:
System integration with Association of Financial Institutions will be provided for registration and tracking of financial leasing contracts.

Ziraat Participation aims to increase its efficiency, quality and speed by improving customer experience in the field of IT. The Bank has achieved significant progress by integrating the innovation and change management required by the times into its systems and processes.
In 2021, Ziraat Participation has completed and commissioned the following important projects within the scope of its IT activities.
With FAST, 24/7 money transfer transactions were made possible to an account at a different bank with IBAN or a defined Easy Address via Participation Mobile and Internet Branch.
- Emergency Center (ODM) test for 2021 were successfully completed.
- Within the scope of Transition to Open Source Code Systems, Pardus operating system transition was completed for all branches.
- Ziraat Participation became the first participation bank to provide services in social housing projects through the integration with TOKİ.
- With the EKAP integration project, temporary letters of guarantee within the scope of public tenders can be given in electronic environment.
- Instant gold transfers were made available with the establishment of recorded gold transfer system.
- The infrastructure for monitoring of Sudan Branch Financing, İslamic Investment Products (Murabaha), Islamic Treasury Management, Credit Bureau, foreign trade financing and vostro accounts was put into use.
- For the follow-up accounts, an opportunity was provided for customers who have foreign currency risk to restructure their debts in Turkish Lira for easy payment and to prevent foreign currency loss.
- Structuring of “Retail Basic Necessities Support Credit” was completed via internet banking.
- Sales of insurance products through digital channels was made possible
- Deferred Payment Export Financing project was completed, thus product range offered to customers increased.
- With the branch and portfolio target allocation system, allocation of target amounts with different inputs given to branches/portfolios and their integration with performance scorecards were enabled.
- Performance scorecards of Headquarters Operation Center and Credit Extension business family were made available to be set up at the system.
- Central Bank and BRSA report can be automatically created in the banking system.
- Start of automatic process was enabled for bankruptcy and concordatum files shared by the Risk Center.
- Multiple account opening screen was transitioned into business process structure to become more efficient, faster and reportable.
- Integration was completed with SGK to allow payment via Ziraat Participation.
- Transition to new version of corporate web site was completed.
- Technology studies to comply with the cash register (ÖKC) new brand contract were completed and Ziraat Participation POS application was uploaded to the widely used model in public collections.
- Within the scope of digitalization of business processes, Credit Committee meetings started to be signed via mobile signature and archived in digital platform.
- In accordance with BRSA Regulation, Cancellation process of offline tax collections can be made at alternative distribution channels and customer satisfaction increased.
- System infrastructure to restructure leasing credit accounts was completed.
- SWIFT GPI transition was completed.
- Within the scope of digitalization of business processes, credit proposals were made systematic, thus preventing operational risks and increasing efficiency.
- Integration and reporting screen related with the BRSA E-Government Data Collection project was completed.
- Remote customer acquisition project was completed with the technological infrastructure to be a customer without coming to the branch.
- Precious metal infrastructure was established which allows purchasing and sale of silver through branches and related channels.
- Reporting module was added to inspection audit application which increased user satisfaction and reduced operational risk.
- Association of Participation Banks Association of Türkiye (TKBB) arbitration board application system integration was completed.
- Offline tax collection infrastructure was completed and launched.