Mehmet Said GÜL
Executive Vice President-Information Technologies and Operations
Mehmet Said Gül was born in Kahramanmaraş in 1973. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering in 1995. He started his banking career as a programmer at Anadolu Finans Kurumu in 1997. After serving for many years as system analyst and software development service manager, he continued his career as Software Development Manager at Türkiye Finans Participation Bankası A.Ş. in 2006. He worked as the Information Systems Coordination Manager as of 2009. In 2014, Mr. Gül worked at the establishment of Ziraat Participation and acted as a consultant at Ziraat Bank and Ziraat Participation’s Information Technologies Department Head. In 2015, he was appointed as the Group Director of the Information Technologies and Operational Transactions at Ziraat Participation. Since 23 August 2017 Mr. Gül is the Executive Vice President in charge of Information Technologies and Operations.

Executive Vice President-Treasury Management and International Banking
Born in Ankara in 1975, Osman Karakütük graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Science. He completed his undergraduate studies in Sakarya University and worked at the CBRT Headquarters as a clerk between 1998-1999. In 1999, he started working at Ziraat Bank as an Assistant Inspector and then promoted to Inspector, Chief Inspector, Vice President of the Inspection Board, Branch Manager, İzmir 1st Region Manager, Head of Branch Operations and Head of Channel Management, respectively. Mr. Karakütük was appointed as Ziraat Participation Vice President in charge of Financial Coordination and Human Resources on 15 August 2017 and he has been serving as the Vice President in charge of Treasury Management and International Banking since 24 August 2017.

Executive Vice President- Credit Extension and Management
Önder Kırman was born in Afyonkarahisar in 1972. He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration. Mr. Kırman started his banking career as a Service Attendant at Ziraat Bank in 1999. Between 2001 and 2008, he worked as an Internal Controller. Between 2008 and 2015, Mr. Kırman acted as a Supervisor of Agricultural, SME and Commercial Marketing, Commercial Marketing Department Manager and Regional Credit Extension Manager. He joined Ziraat Participation in May 2015 as the Chairman of the Operation Center Department, then he was appointed as the Chairman of Corporate and Entrepreneurial Credit Extension and Management Department in April 2016. Since 30 June 2016, he serves as Executive Vice President- Credit Extension and Management.

Temel Tayyar YEŞİL
Executive Vice President-Marketing
Temel Tayyar Yeşil was born in Samsun in 1971 and graduated from Erciyes University Economy department of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Mr. Yeşil started his banking career at Pamukbank T.A.Ş. as Assistant Specialist in 1998. He worked as an officer and manager in the Loans and Project Evaluation departments of Halkbank. He acted as Kayseri Commercial Branch Manager between 2010 and 2012. Mr. Yeşil started to work at Ziraat Bank as Loan Allocation and Management Department Head in 2012 and continued as the Regional Coordinator in 2016. He has been appointed as Ziraat Participation. Vice President in charge of Marketing on 18 July 2017 and is still carrying out the duty.

Mustafa Kürşat ÇETİN
Head of Marketing Management Group
Mustafa Kürşat Çetin was born in Yozgat in 1979. He graduated from Selçuk University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Economics. He received his graduate degree in Banking from İstanbul University Faculty of Social Sciences. He started his career in 2003 at Türkiye Finans Headquarters Leasing Service and from 2005 on, he worked in different positions in Corporate Marketing at Istanbul Osmanbey, Beylikdüzü and İkitelli branches. Between 2012 and 2015 he worked as Türkiye Finans Nişantaşı Branch Manager. In 2015, with the inception of Ziraat Participation he started working at İkitelli Branch as a manager. In January 2016, he was appointed as Entrepreneurial Marketing Department Head and Entrepreneurial Marketing Department 2 Head. In May 2019, he continued his career as the Head of Branch Banking and Sales Management 2 Department and was appointed as Marketing Group Director as of 10 February 2021.

Seher Elif EKİCİ
Head of Credit Policies and Risk Liquidation Group
Seher Elif Ekici was born in İstanbul in 1981. She graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration in English. She completed her associate degree at Anadolu University Faculty of Theology and is currently studying for her master’s degree on Islamic Economics and Finance at Marmara University. She received her SMMM license in 2009. She started her professional career at KPMG independent audit firm in 2003 and worked as an auditor in 2003-2004. Later, she started her banking career in 2005 at Anadolu Finans Kurumu Financial Control service under Financial Affairs Department. She took a role in the merger of Anadolu Finans and Family Finans. Between 2007 and 2015 she acted as Specialist, Supervisor and Manager at Risk Management Center Department of Türkiye Finans. Ms. Ekici started to work at Ziraat Bank as a Manager on 3 February 2015. She was a part of the establishment of Ziraat Participation and was appointed as Head of Risk Management Division on 23 June 2015. She has been working as the Head of Credit Policies and Risk Liquidation Group since 2 July 2021.

Head of Strategy Planning and Human Resources Group
Suat Tüccar was born in İstanbul in 1974. He graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Public Administration. In 2000, he started his career at Dışbank Commercial Marketing upon completing the MT program. He worked as a portfolio manager at the same bank in Mercan, Bayrampasa and European Corporate branches, respectively. Upon the merger of Fortis and Türk Ekonomi Bankası, he worked as Branch Manager of Bayrampaşa Mega Center and Güneşli branches. Mr. Tüccar started his career at Ziraat Participation on 2 May 2016 as a Service Manager at Corporate and Entrepreneurial Marketing Department and continued as the Head of Human Resources Department on 23 March 2017. He was appointed as Head of Strategy Planning and Human Resources Group on 10 February 2021.