In line with its targets of sustainable development and growth, Ziraat Participation continued to provide effective services to its customers, with 1,529 employees and 120 local branches in 53 provinces and 1 branch abroad as of the end of 2021.
In 2021, Ziraat Participation hired 100 candidates after their testing and interview processes. Thus, the Bank continued to support young and newly graduated employment.
Ziraat Participation aims to represent our country by opening branches abroad, as well as its activities to expand and develop the interest-free finance system within the borders of our country through branching efforts. In this direction, 16 new branches started to operate in 2021 in Turkey.
Having adopted the principle of offering equal opportunities to its employees, Ziraat Participation has prioritized raising the managers of the future from its in-house human resources. Accordingly, those who completed the Manager Candidate Program successfully were promoted to managerial positions in 2021 as well.
By using the performance management system effectively, job position promotions continued in 2021.
Ziraat Participation knows that human resources is has the greatest stake in achieving sustainable growth and effective performance and accordingly, the Bank conducts promotion exams every year for its employees to move forward in their careers in a fair environment. In this context, the Bank continued its collaboration with İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University in 2021 and held an online professional-title promotion examination. Employees that were successful in the exam were promoted to a higher position.
Ziraat Participation carried its Occupational Health and Safety activities in 2021. The Bank continued to keep Covid-19 measures as in 2020.
Ziraat Participation manages its employees’ professional development in a planned manner.
Ziraat Participation tracks and manages its employees’ professional progress in a planned manner. In this context, the Bank designs classroom, online and video trainings and delivered an average of 42.74 man/hour trainings in 2021.
In-person trainings to prepare the new employees for their jobs were organized with collaboration with İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
The Leadership Development Project, which lasts for 6 months, was organized for branch managers.
A training was organized at Konya Necmettin Erbakan University to introduce Ziraat Participation and participation banking to students.
In view of today’s conditions, where international communication is a fact of life its importance is increasing day by day, the Bank provided its employees with English and Arabic training support in order to improve the language abilities of its human resources.
With a proper and fair remuneration policy, Ziraat Participation not only increases employee motivation and their corporate loyalty, but also encourages sustainable success which complies with corporate strategy. Salary research is performed by collecting salary data from the sector and observing the internal balance within the Bank, at the same time sustaining its competitive position.
Remuneration structure includes the salary which is based on job position and employees’ seniority as well as job place and transportation benefits, performance premium which is variable and other fringe benefits. Furthermore, there are individual pension system with company contribution, life insurance, maternity benefit, family support benefits (family success, special education support, etc.).